Electric Cars

Along with the progress of the times, technological trends are increasing. The trend of electric cars is one of the results of these technological advances. Now all countries are competing to develop these electric vehicles, including Indonesia. Indonesia itself is preparing itself to face this era of electric cars. This electric vehicle is a transition from oil-fueled vehicles to reduce dependence on fossil fuels which can damage the environment at any time. The Indonesian government itself has issued Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 concerning the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program for Road Transportation. This regulation was made as a step to realize clean energy, improve clean and environmentally friendly air quality, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Indonesia is the first country in Southeast Asia to have an electric car battery factory. Indonesia is one of the largest nickel producers in the world. The nickel will be the main raw material for the manufacture of electric vehicle batteries. Accompanied by Ridwan Kamil as the Governor of West Java, President Joko Widodo has inaugurated the electric car battery factory PT HLI Green Power Battery Indonesia in Karawang New Industry City KNIC, West Java. The electric car battery factory PT HLI Green Power is the first and biggest EV battery in Indonesia . PT HLI Green Power Battery is able to convert nickel raw materials into finished goods with high selling value. However, the trend of electric cars in Indonesia still needs a lot of adaptation. This adaptation is a challenge that needs to be faced. Indonesia doesn't have many places to recharging car batteries.


Source : distrupto.co.id

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