Vaccine Booster

The government will soon issue a policy on the use of a third or booster dose of vaccine as one of the prerequisites for entering shopping centers or malls. The Deputy Minister of Health explained that his party is still reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of the booster vaccine as a condition for community mobility. the government can educate the importance of implementing health protocols in the midst of the peak period of the BA4 and BA5 subvariant Covid-19 wave which is predicted to occur in the third week of July 2022.


Referring to the results of the limited meeting (the government has made a decision to extend the policy of implementing restrictions on community activities, both in the Java-Bali region and outside Java-Bali. The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs emphasized that the reason for the extension was to raise public awareness of the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia was not over.

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