Membaca Arah Properti 2025 Tantangan, Tren, dan Peluang BaruImage

The property sector in 2025 faces various challenges, including weakened purchasing power, high land prices, and rising interest rates. Global conditions, such as supply chain disruptions and tense geopolitics, are not expected to significantly impact the national economy, which is predicted to remain stable. However, achieving economic growth above 5% is still hindered by deflation and interest rate pressures. On the other hand, China's manufacturing relocation due to trade wars presents opportunities for Indonesia's logistics and industrial sectors.

The main opportunities lie in the housing sector, which remains attractive with the emergence of co-living concepts and demand from the middle class. Green property is also becoming a future trend, in line with growing awareness of ESG principles in property development. Cities such as Jabodetabek, Bali, Makassar, Semarang, and Surabaya are predicted to be investment growth hubs in the property sector. Meanwhile, digitalization and the use of AI are beginning to create new efficiencies across various property subsectors.

Subsectors such as industry, data centers, warehousing, education, and healthcare show positive growth, supported by government policies like PPN DTP and infrastructure development. Collaboration between property and the entertainment and tourism sectors, such as the Topgolf concept, also presents exciting opportunities. However, the continuity of the IKN (new capital city) project remains uncertain for property industry players.


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