Infrastruktur logistik Indonesia

The construction of the Inland Waterways / Cikarang Bekasi Sea Canal (CBL) is ready to start this year. Right now, CBL is entering the design finalization stage. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) / IPC President Director, Elvyn G Masassya at Media Gathering in Tanjung Pandan, Belitung in August 2018 said that his parties were in the process of refining the design.

It is expected that the construction of Inland Waterways will not only be for transportation of goods from Tanjung Priok Port to Cikarang, but it is expected to create a new industrial area. However, Elvyn refused to explain in more detail the location of the intended industrial estate. Elvyn  said he would announce if the Bekasi Cikarang sea canal project had been completed. "One thing is sure, this is the most recent news regarding this CBL," he added.

IPC's Director of Engineering and Risk Management, Dani Rusli Utama said that this design was indeed complex. They always consult with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). Especially with the Directorate General of Water Resources, regarding whether it has an impact on irrigation.

In addition, there are also several gas lines that will be passed. Therefore, consultation with gas pipeline owners is also continuously carried out to ensure that the methods applied are in accordance with aspects of safety and security. Apart from design issues, the licensing context also still faces obstacles.

There is state land that belongs to the Ministry of PUPR. There is also the problem of how to manage land permits that were used for housing and then become industrial areas. This last matter has been proposed to the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency (ATR / BPN).

IPC (Indonesian Port Corporation) itself is now ready to provide an initial investment of IDR 3 trillion for CBL. The total project value is estimated at IDR 6 trillion. They have submitted to the government so that this CBL will be synchronized with other accesses.

For example, with the Jababeka toll road. This project is targeted for completion in 2021. CBL itself is included in the list of National Strategic Projects. CBL is considered important and urgent considering that the Tanjung Priok Port continues to grow so it needs to prepare alternative transportation.

There are two aspects that are calculated. First, economic visibility that will contribute. The second is financial visibility. This second factor is more challenging because IPC must prepare a lower total cost than other transportation so that it can compete.

To implement the CBL design, many parties are needed to make it happen. PT Pelindo II's Technical and Risk Management Director Dani Rusli said that his party needs inter-ministerial and provincial/regional government support to accelerate the development of the Cikarang Bekasi sea canal, CBL.

Besides Pelindo II, there are indeed several other institutes involved in this development, including the Ministry of Transportation (Ministry of Transportation), Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Ministry of ATR / BPN, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), West Java Provincial Government and Bekasi Regency Government.

"From the West Java Provincial Government, we need endorsement from the Penlok side, from the ATR Ministry we need land use. Including the Ministry of Transportation from the RIP (Port Master Plan) and its concessions," he said at the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) Utilization of Cikarang Bekasi sea canal as Logistics Transportation, Tuesday (7/17/2018).

He said that currently, the environmental impact analysis (Amdal) from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has not released yet. This is because the Port Master Plan (RIP) from the Ministry of Transportation has not finished yet. The Port Master Plan (RIP) is needed in order the project can run.

He said that currently the environmental impact analysis (Amdal) from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry had not yet been released. This is because the Port Master Plan (RIP) of the Ministry of Transportation does not yet exist. The Port Master Plan (RIP) is needed so the project can run.

In addition, he claimed that he needs financial support from the government considering the projects included in the National Strategic Project (PSN), this project needed a large amount of money to start. "The substantial cost starts from the bridge, then the access road which actually already exists, but has to be widened again with an extraordinary value, the figure is up to Rp.445 billion," he said.

In addition, according to him, the construction of dams which are estimated with a nominal value of Rp150 billion. Also, there is an additional fee to move the PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) pipe located on the left and right sides of the canal.

Therefore, to accelerate the execution of the project, he requested support from related parties regarding the high complexity of the project. He said that with the Inland Waterway CBL, it is expected to reduce logistics costs by 20-25%. The calculation, if the barge can enter the canal to the Cikarang industrial area, there will be at least 80 to 100 containers transported in one way.

This development aims to optimize the potential of river canal lines as an alternative to logistics transportation. This optimization will connect the off-the-road area of Tanjung Priok Port with the hinterland area. It is also expected to reduce the density of logistical flows of land from the Cikarang and Karawang industrial areas to Tanjung Priok Port.

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