Green Industry in Manufacturing

Green industry is an industry which in its production process prioritizes efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources. In principle, this is able to harmonize industrial development with the preservation of environmental functions and can provide benefits to the community. The Ministry of Industry is determined to continue to encourage all manufacturing sectors in Indonesia to implement green industry principles. This strategic step will support the creation of an environmentally friendly and competitive industry in the global arena.


The Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Industry is committed to realizing sustainable development through strengthening the circular economy concept as a source of efficiency and added value to the industrial sector. For example, the concept of developing an industrial area that encourages the creation of a green industrial area by utilizing technology. Currently, the government is preparing the largest green industrial area in the world which has great potential in developing renewable energy in Indonesia. Not only that, the government is also preparing the development of certification for the green industry. The government also facilitates the financing of the green industry certification process as a commitment to implementing a green industry in Indonesia. So far, 37 industrial companies have received assistance to facilitate the green industry certification. Later, the government will provide fiscal incentives for the holders of this Green Industry Certificate.



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