Indonesian Consulate General in Shanghai and Guangzhou Visited KNIC

Site visit aimed at understanding KNIC operations and assisting in promoting KNIC to the Chinese companies

KARAWANG – On 14 January 2020, a group of delegation from the Indonesian Consulate General in Shanghai and Guangzhou visited Karawang New Industry City (KNIC) to see the development progress and discuss about KNIC’s advantages,as well as its future industrial planning. Delegation from the Consulate were Mr. Deny W. Kurnia, the Consul General in Shanghai; Mr. Gustanto, the Consul General in Guangzhou; Mrs. Virdiana Ririen Hapsari, the Minister Counsellor of Economic Function of the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) in Beijing; Mr. Widya Parsaoran Gultom, the Minister Counsellor of Economic Affairs of the Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Shanghai; and Mr. Kurniawan Wibowo, the Consul for Information and Socio- Culture Affairs for the Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Guangzhou

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Warmly welcomed by CFLD Indonesia’s management, the officials were also accompanied by the Director of Wonderful Food, one of KNIC’s tenants.They also visited Wonderful Food factory site which is still under construction and expected to complete by semester 2 this year. The tour was then ended at KNIC’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and some other infrastructure projects.

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