On 10 February 2021, the Industrial Estates Association of Indonesia (HKI) together with the Ministry of Industry of Indonesia and the BKPM organized a business and investment forum in the context of accelerating investment targets and driving the economy in Indonesia. On this occasion, the Ministry of Industry of Indonesia and the BKPM emphasized the importance of industrial estates in encouraging investment, as well as policy directions and promotion strategies for economic area development to accelerate investment realization in Indonesia. Industrial estates or other economic zones function as instruments to accelerate investment realization and to encourage the advancement of human resources and enhance technology development.

The government strongly supports the potential investors to obtain comprehensive information, direct them to the right place, and help accelerate the investment process so that the establishment of investor business lines in Indonesia can run more smoothly and easily.

Nurul Ichwan, the Deputy Chairman for Investment Planning of BKPM reiterated the incentives offered by the Indonesian Government for manufacturers to carry out industrial activities in industrial zones which is much more efficient than outside industrial zones. The tax incentives are:

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Nurul highlighted how the Omnibus Law on Job Creation can transform a long and considerably complicated permit process into a 2-hour only-permit service. This transformation is a special privilege for investment located in KEK, industrial area, Free Trade and Port Zone Authority (KPBPB), as well as National Strategic Projects (PSN). 

Furthermore, BKPM also stressed that they currently still have urgent agendas that will soon be implemented, one of them is the provision of platforms. This platform is planned to provide information on industrial land prices which can be accessed by potential investors, as well as to improve the competitiveness of infrastructure, connectivity, and logistics. 

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