Trends Affecting Business Logistic Income

Inbound Logistics is basically everything related to the transportation, storage, and shipping of goods that enter every line of business in the manufacturing industry. This is also still an integral part of supply chain management.

There are various trends or situations that affect Inbound or logistical income of a business. Check out these 5 following situations below:

The existence of the Head of State Election

It is no secret that the existence of major activities in Indonesia, such as the election of new heads of state and regional heads, often gives significant changes to the business and economic industries.

The existence of new regulations made by policymakers will inevitably influence existing and ongoing industries. Besides that, the economic increase also played a role in this matter. For example, when the economy increases, the driver's wages will increase so that the burden of shipping goods increases.

The Accuracy, Safety, and Product Accountability

Another trend that has a significant influence on the development of Inbound Logistics is the accuracy and safety of a product that can reach consumers. In addition, corporate accountability or responsibility for these products is important.

These are much more determined by the company's internal policies. Hence, the market demand can continue to be maintained and increase by the time goes and the company is obliged to conduct an evaluation.

The Utilization of Electricity-Based Transportation Systems

In developed countries, the trend of the manufacturing business in terms of the transportation system is experiencing a new revolution in which more equipment is used which applies electric trucks. This type of truck is very useful in reducing conventional truck fares.

The discovery of this electric truck is also a new issue for the trucking industry. Some companies like Tesla and Amazon have used electric trucks in the process of shipping and transporting their goods. While in Indonesia the use of similar transportation systems is still limited to private vehicles.

The Use of Smart Data Management

Smart Data Management is a smart move from companies involving collecting and analyzing data from various sources by utilizing technology. The use of a system like this will help direct planning, supply chain management, and predict the risk of problems to be faced.

Unfortunately, this can only be effective if all companies have implemented various tools and equipment that use technology and computerization as a basis.

The Focus on the Storage Room

The last trend to note is storage space. At present overseas manufacturing companies have been competing to invest in storage or warehouse space. This is based on a higher level of consumer needs.

As a result, a company needs a better storage space so that its stock can always be guaranteed. In addition, the existence of the warehouse is able to be good control of the items that exist before being sent.

In Indonesia, one of the industrial estates with a variety of world-class warehouses called Karawang New Industry City (KNIC). This area located in West Java carries many advantages including world-class integrated technology and systems so that the presence of world-class infrastructure is clearly visible in this place.

Besides aiming to support the performance of a manufacturing company, KNIC is also present to support the acceleration of regional economic growth and to present a multiplier effect that is useful for socio-economic developments in Karawang and areas in the West Java region.

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